The client was starting a major cultural change programme and needed to understand the current culture and attitudes to change among staff. Focus groups with teachers, support staff and middle leaders were completed, as were one-to-one interviews with senior leaders and governors. The result of this work was a clear understanding of how the existing culture differed from the vision and what obstacles this placed in the way of change. It supported the development of change plans which took these into account.
A newly appointed principal found major issues with the financial position and the approach of the finance team. The review had two main elements - an in-depth assessment of the college's finances and its three-year budget and interviews with key staff and governors to understand their approach and attitudes. The review's outcomes supported the development of a revised financial plan, improved management accounts and led to improved financial performance at the end of the 2019-20 academic year.
A new specialist provider, working with autistic young people aged 16 to 25, needed advice and support on accessing funding. Working closely with the Chief Executive, understanding of the systems and processes for high needs funding was embedded within their ways of working. Our knowledge and experience supported the development of strong relationships with the local authority and schools, giving the client expertise and confidence in dealing with technical issues. The provider has grown strongly since starting delivery in 2020 and is expanding its offer.
Developing a clear and strong culture is vital to our client's success. A multi-academy trust on a journey to building a new culture, developed from the vision of the Chief Executive and the existing strengths of the member colleges. Over the last three years, Zap Consulting has provided strategic development support, acted as a critical friend and acted as advisor in developing key areas of the organisation such as finance, human resource and management information. The trust is growing and diversifying through our support.
Our knowledge of further education data requirements and best practice is demonstrated through services to a range of clients in recording and submitting data. A private training provider and special school are among our clients receiving ongoing support in understanding funding rules and requirements, maximising income and minimising clawback and operating simple and effective data systems. Support and development is provided to data managers to grow and develop their expertise.,
We have completed 10 reviews in 18 months of work as an SRMA, working with a range of schools and trusts, maintained and academy schools, in a wide range of contexts. The work has supported the development of better reporting and financial governance. Significant savings and opportunities to improve efficiency and effectiveness have been found in every review. Our way of working focuses on the context of each school and trust, leading to recommendations that are practical and rooted in deep analysis of data.
Zap Consulting works in partnership with the Sixth Form Colleges Association to deliver its Middle Leadership Training Programme (MLTP) at one of our client colleges in the Midlands. Delivery of the MLTP fits in with the broader leadership development work. It is supporting the growth and development of a cohort of middle leaders who are working in a time of cultural and organisation change, helping them support their staff and students to be the best they can be.
The client was a college where the suite of policies had grown over about ten years to become unwieldy and under-utilised by staff. Through a review of the existing policies and meetings with key staff, a new system has been put in place for the development, approval and review of policies. Common templates have been designed and a new single register of policies has been put in place to simplify management of the process.
Our client had recently appointed a relatively inexperienced business manager following a period of financial uncertainty. The postholder had all the required attributes for the role and needed support in developing confidence and technical skills in their role. A comprehensive assessment process was used to identify the most important areas to work on and a 12-month plan put in place. Termly feedback is provided to the headteacher to relay progress.
After forming in early 2020, a growing multi-academy trust began working with Zap on a series of vision and values events. The sessions have focussed on the trust's strategic priorities and developing the vision and values among senior and middle leaders, in partnership with trustees and local governors. Interactive events were developed closely with the Chief Executive. The events have led to clear and measurable improvement actions and developed relationships between colleagues.
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